Agro Measure Map ဟာ ကမၻာ့ေျမပံုအစိတ္အပိုင္းအားလံုးနီးပါးရဲ႕ အကြာအေဝးအတိုင္းအတာ၊ ပတ္လည္အတိုင္းအတာနဲ႔ ဧရိယာအတိုင္းအတာေတြကို တိုင္းတာတြက္ခ်က္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္.. ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံေျမပံုေပၚမွာလည္း အေသးစိတ္တြက္ခ်က္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္.. ဥပေဒအရ သက္ေသခံႏိုင္ေလာက္ေအာင္ အဆင္မေျပႏိုင္ေပမယ့္ အနီးစပ္ဆံုး တိုင္းတာတြက္ခ်က္ႏိုင္မွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္.. Pro Edition ျဖစ္လို႔လည္း Free Version ထက္ ပိုမိုေကာင္းမြန္တဲ့ Feature ေတြကို ရရွိမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္...
Agro Measure Map ဟာ ကမ္ဘာ့မြေပုံအစိတ်အပိုင်းအားလုံးနီးပါးရဲ့ အကွာအဝေးအတိုင်းအတာ၊ ပတ်လည်အတိုင်းအတာနဲ့ ဧရိယာအတိုင်းအတာတွေကို တိုင်းတာတွက်ချက်နိုင်ပါတယ်.. မြန်မာနိုင်ငံမြေပုံပေါ်မှာလည်း အသေးစိတ်တွက်ချက်နိုင်ပါတယ်.. ဥပဒေအရ သက်သေခံနိုင်လောက်အောင် အဆင်မပြေနိုင်ပေမယ့် အနီးစပ်ဆုံး တိုင်းတာတွက်ချက်နိုင်မှာဖြစ်ပါတယ်.. Pro Edition ဖြစ်လို့လည်း Free Version ထက် ပိုမိုကောင်းမွန်တဲ့ Feature တွေကို ရရှိမှာဖြစ်ပါတယ်...
Differences between Agro and the Pro version:
- Create buffers around polygons with round, square and mitre corner styles.
- Split a polygon by two points.
Check out the impressive features you get in Agro Measure Map Pro:
* Create unlimited polygons with unlimited pins.
* Draw shapes: Circles and Rectangles.
* Elevation Profile of a route
* Attractive, smooth, easy navigation and use
* Google Maps with extra zoom level.
* Extra Maps: Ability to buy Bing Maps, Here Maps, Arc GIS, World Street Map, MapBox, Open Street Map, Open Cycle Map, USGS Maps and Yandex Map in one package in the same app. NOTE: Extra maps are not included with this purchase, this is an extra feature purchased inside the app.
* Displays Maps View: Map, Satellite, Hybrid and Terrain.
* 3D Buildings
* Geodesic Segments
* Operations: Add, delete intermediate pins, insert between pins, move pins, get info.
* Multiple areas and routes on screen
* Display of altitude above sea level, azimuth and angle
* Undo and redo operations as needed
* Sharing exported files to any sharing app on your device.
* Calculates azimuth or bearing
* Search for current location, text (villages, places of interest, etc.) or an area or route
* Length units: meters, kilometers, feet, yards, miles, nautical miles, ken, ri, bù, lǐ, link, chain.
* Surface units: square meters and kilometers, ares, hectares, square foot, square yards, square miles, acres, fanegas (Valencian, Castilian or Colombian), tsubo, bu, so, lí, mǔ
* Intermediate distances between pins can be displayed
* Ability to select color and thickness of the perimeter line.
* Ability to select the color and transparency of the selected area.
* Working format: Measure Map, KMZ, KML (G00GLE Earth), CSV (Excel), GPX, Image (PNG) and PDF
* Export and import of surfaces and routes via any storage account linked to your device(Dropbox, local storage..).
* Save to photo album
Differences with the non-pro version:
* Create unlimited pins and polygons.
* Calculates multiple areas and routes simultaneously.
* Extra Maps.
* Ability to create inner polygons as "holes".
* Drawing of shapes: circle and rectangle.
* Calculates azimuth or bearing.
* Displays altitude above sea level, azimuth and angle.
* Imports KML, KMZ and GPX format files besides exporting them.
* Track mode: drops pins on current GPS position at regular intervals.
* No Ads.
* Future improvements will be incorporated to the professional version.
Home Page : http://www.measuremapapp.com/
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